Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Add Stitching to Your Scrapbook Layouts

Sometimes you just want to add some extra details to your layouts.  Not all the time, but sometimes.  Here is a great video that shows you how to add stitching to your layouts.  Check it out.

I love how they added the stitches as the string to the kite!  I think I just might need to scrap LIFT this layouts!!

If you need more information on products used to make this layout, simply email me or go to my website to find out more!

1 comment:

  1. I like how creative scrapbooking can be. The idea of combining and overlapping photos and other mediums is really amusing. The black and white photo you used is pretty adorable, as it sends out a very misty look. And the girl with the kite really brings out the child in the entire picture. Thanks for sharing these tips with us, Shari. All the best!

    Harry Newton @ AllScrapBookSteals
