Then the next layout is in Acapulco of the cliff divers. Boy are those guys crazy! lol And the last layout is of us on our balcony of our cabin. Close to my Heart spoils us with cabins that all have balconies! It is awesome to have room service deliver breakfast (one of our favorite things to do) and have breakfast out on the balcony! Ahhh...talk about total relaxation. If I could only get that at home too! LOL

I really love how these layouts turned out and I am so glad this cruise is scrapbooked! DONE!
I also wanted to share one more thing about Studio J...there is an App for that! YES, Studio J has an app. Just go to the app store and search Studio J...it's free. You can view all our our kits and any layouts that you purchase will be in your app so you can share them with your family and friends. All you need is an iPhone or iTouch. How cool is that!
Awesome layouts. I just LOVE Studio J!