The next layout is in St. Thomas when we went to the beautiful Trunk Bay. WOW! If you have a chance to go, do so! The sand is the second best sand I have ever been on. The first is on Seven Mile Beach in the Grand Caymans. But this was beautiful! This layout was using our Imagine How to Book and the layout is Powerful Trio.

So, you have heard me talk in the past about our Studio J online scrapbooking. Well, now I am going to show you some layouts I recently made.
At the end of February we went on our Eastern Caribbean it is important to remind you that I have 5 past cruises that I have not completed the my scrapbooking.
My son Cody and his girlfriend Brooke went with us. For Brooke's birthday I promised her to scrapbook the trip for her. Now did you remember when I said I am 5 cruises behind (not to mention this one now so that makes 6 and regular pictures do...need I go on? LOL) So I knew the ONLY way I was going to get Brooke's scrapbook done is if I scrapbooked it using Studio J.

These 3 layouts were created on Studio J. I am so excited to say that I am about 1/2 way FINISHED with Brooke's album! And I am happier to say I have invested about 4 hours doing them. WOW! I have also loaded all the rest of the pictures and layouts into Studio all I have to do is put the pictures on the layouts, journal and put the finishing touches on them. This should take me about another 4 -6 hours. And just in case you think I have only done a page per day...nope. The ice bar pictures alone I did 3 - 2 page layouts. Her scrapbook will be fun...and it will be finished SOON!
So if you have a project that you need to get done like past cruises/trips, baby books, graduation books etc, then we need to talk about Studio J. This is the answer for getting it done! I am not going to do ALL my pages using Studio J (for my album...because I really do LOVE the craft of it and don't think I can ever trade in my trimmer, stamps and adhesive) but I will have some Studio J pages in my albums. You can mix the two!
One more thing...this last layout of them in the Ice Bar...well we didn't go in there, just they did, I wasn't keen on 17 degree weather for $20 each. I can get that at home for free so I stayed in the 80 degree weather! LOL So I did't have any pictures of my own. So I made Brooke's 3 - 2 page layouts. I journaled them as if she was journaling. BUT, I wanted one of the I hit "duplicate" on the computer, it duplicated the layout, I went in and changed the journaling to my words and tada DONE! You just can't make a duplicate that fast unless you are using Studio J!