Have you ever thought about starting your own Close to my Heart Business? This IS the month for you to start that dream!
First of all you get the new consultant kit for 1/2 price! That is just $64.50! AND you get our You & Me special FREE! This photo shows it to you a little bit, but there are better pictures in earlier posts here on my blog check them out! This is an amazing kit and an even more amazing deal!
There are many ways to have your Close to my Heart Business...
You can be a BUSINESS BUILDER where you can earn as much extra money as you want. You host parties, workshops, and groups. You work your business as much as you want. Knowing your income will show how much you work. This is a great way to pay off extra bills, car payments, send your kits to private schools, college or even make your house payment! It's up to you.
You can also be a Hobbyist where you get a discount on your own personal products you purchase from CTMH. This is a good way to continue scrapbooking using CTMH product but getting a discount and free products.
If you have gotten into our online scrapbooking (or would like to) STUDIO J, you can reach out to those people who want to get their scrapbooking done this way while getting a discount on your layouts. I have really found a great niche for me with Studio J. It is a lot of fun and you get your layouts done quickly.
No matter what your needs are...there is a place for you at Close to my Heart. If you love scrapbooking, then you need to consider becoming a consultant. I would love to talk to you about how this just might be your answer to getting discounts, making extra money all while getting your own scrapbooking done!
Call me at 402-334-5615 or email me at gottastamp@cox.net to set up a time to chat!
If you already know this is for you...go to my website at gottastamp.myctmh.com and click on the Your Opportunities link and follow the prompts to get signed up NOW!
If you sign up before May 13th, you can also get registered for our July convention that will be held at Disneyland in California! This is a GREAT time! We learn a lot, share a lot and have a BLAST..OH and we get a NEW CATALOG TOO! YIPPEEE!
So call or email me soon!